Jianmin Liu is currently a Ph.D. student at Xi’an Jiaotong University specializing in Federated Learning and Large Language Models, under the supervision of Associate Prof. Li Yan. Prior to this, he obtained a master’s degree in Cyberspace Security from Fujian Normal University under the supervision of Prof. Hui Lin and Associate Prof. Xiaoding Wang, focusing on research related to spatiotemporal traffic data in smart cities. Currently, his research is expecting to promote large language models to a more secure, low-cost and privacy-protected new stage. He possesses a strong sense of initiative and hope to have the opportunity to explore interesting and meaningful things with you.
🔥 News
- [Jun. 2024] I was honored with the title of Excellent Graduating Graduate Student at Fujian Normal University.
- [Feb. 2024] Our paper about trajectory forecasting is accepted by Elsevier Information Fusion.
- [Nov. 2023] Our paper about traffic forecasting is accepted by ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks.
📝 Publications
Note: * indicates Corresponding authors.
Information Fusion (INFFUS), 2024.
Information Fusion (INFFUS), 2024.
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN), 2023.
💬 Services
- Teaching assistant for Computer Network courses (2023).